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Reverse Gear on a '74 TR6

Subject: Reverse Gear on a '74 TR6
From: "Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 09:28:48 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Fellow LisTRs --
Call me crazy, if you prefer, but I'd like to encourage my wife (aka The
Treasurer) to drive my recently acquired TR6. Why? Didn't you just read the
words "The Treasurer"? Anyway, all the forward gears are fine, easy to
shift. But, reverse is hard to engage. I literally have to slap it hard over
to the right in order to engage it. As a result, my wife can't seem to do it
and she doesn't want to drive "Christine". 
Can some one give me advice as to what may be wrong, what to look for, and
how to fix it?
Oh! For all of you who have missed the previous episodes of "How I Spent My
Summer", my new finger nail on my left hand pinky finger is growing back
nicely, thank you. While changing the rod bearings, the &*#%! Torque wrench
slipped off an oil be-crusted rod bolt, allowing my left hand to travel at
Mach 1 speed onto the engine block where the nail on said pinky finger
heroically, albeit fatally, absorbed the total impact. I have enshrined the
dead hero on its own plastic platform on the TR6's dashboard next to the
equally plastic Jesus.
Thanks, in advance.
Red Hansen
"Give Blood - Buy a Triumph!"
'74 TR6 CF13994

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