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Spitfire Transmission Rebuild: Need Advice!

To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: Spitfire Transmission Rebuild: Need Advice!
From: "Ian Frearson" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 03:25:19 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
After having enjoyed my "new" 1980 Spitfire for awhile, I've decided it's
time to buckle down and begin the process of the major work I'm going to
need to do in order to ultimately make the car my primary transportation.

The painful truth for the moment:

The transmission needs to be rebuilt. The synchro on 1st is shot, and 2nd
and 4th are getting a little ratty... I'm pretty handy with my tools, but
have never attempted anything quite this hardcore.

- will I be able to pull this off? I'm not exactly a mechanical dunce, but
I've never rebuilt a transmission before...

- other than the factory manual, are there any other "must haves"?

- what tools will be required? Anything special?

Thanks in advance,


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