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Re: First "real" breakdown!ca>

To: Malcolm Walker <>, The Usual Suspects <>
Subject: Re: First "real" breakdown!ca>
From: John Dowson <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:20:56 +0100
As I keep trying to tell people soldering is really bad news for reliability 
on automotive wired connections!

If the soldering of the wire is done correctly with the wire being solder
tinned first then the solder will wick up inside the insulation making
the wire rigid inside the insulation.
Vibration and flexing will cause the wire to fracture at that point.

Crimp connections are much more reliable when made correctly and 
that includes stripping the insulation without nicking the conductors
and using the correct manufacturers crimp tool, not a pair of old pliers
or side cutters.

For connections that terminate in a ring or slide on connector the wire
support to the connection can be improved by fitting a piece of adhesive
lined heat shrink tube over the terminal/wire area after crimping.

This is a big subject and if anyone feels they need more help on making
their electrics more reliable contact me off list.

Best Regards

John Dowson

At 11:30 PM 7/17/1999 -0700, Malcolm Walker wrote:
>Well, it had to happen sooner or later... the TR4 'broke down'.
>Not to say that it wasn't up and running again in less than 5 minutes (and
>I only scorched my hand once on the exhaust manifold)
>Problem: little wire on the GM alternator broke.  Fix involved a pair of
>folding scissors, a pair of vise-grips, and a 7/16" wrench (always carry 3
>7/16" wrenches)
>I replaced this wire not too long ago (last fall?) because the DPO had a
>"custom" conversion done and they didn't use a proper GM alternator plug.
>Biggest fear is that it's possible to plug it in backwards.  I got a GM
>plug and soldered & heat-shrinked the lugs on the end.  The wire broke
>just downstream of the solder.
>Did the solder job cause the wire to snap, rather than flex?  Should I
>bother soldering on the new lug?  (right now the wire is wrapped around
>another lug and squished between the nut and the post on the back of the
>alternator)  ...I don't want to leave it that way.
>Suggestions, comments, and anecdotes welcomed!

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