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Re: TR6 Brakes - Another question

To: (The Romagni's), <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Brakes - Another question
From: Paul Burr <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 16:36:40 -0400
At 7:16 AM -0400 7/16/99, The Romagni's wrote:
>Fellow listers,
>I took a look at the front brakes on the TR6 last night. I was preparing to
>replace the pads. When I ran my fingers over the rotors, I found them to be
>very smooth, almost mirror like. I went out to the Altima (daily driver)
>and checked it. The rotors there were not nearly so smooth. I did not pull
>the pads and check them.
>What caused this? I'm thinking this may the source of my difficulty in
>stopping the car, yes?
>I sanded the rotor faces with 60 grit sand paper. What other at home
>remedies are there? Should I take the rotors off and have them re-surfaced?

Marty: If you had the rotors turned down fom the previous brake job, and
the pads aren't that worn down,  your calipers aren't working! Can't score
the rotor if nothing is clamping down on it. The pistons could be rusted,
or the flexible lines have rotted internally. Kinda like hardening of the
arteries for old cars!

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