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TR6 Brakes - Another question

To: <>
Subject: TR6 Brakes - Another question
From: (The Romagni's)
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 07:16:18 -0400
Fellow listers,

I took a look at the front brakes on the TR6 last night. I was preparing to
replace the pads. When I ran my fingers over the rotors, I found them to be
very smooth, almost mirror like. I went out to the Altima (daily driver)
and checked it. The rotors there were not nearly so smooth. I did not pull
the pads and check them.

What caused this? I'm thinking this may the source of my difficulty in
stopping the car, yes?

I sanded the rotor faces with 60 grit sand paper. What other at home
remedies are there? Should I take the rotors off and have them re-surfaced?

Thanks again for all your help

Marty Romagni
1974 TR6
Painesville OH

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