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Ignition light revisited

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: Ignition light revisited
From: "Donald L. Gilbert, Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 23:20:03 -0400
Organization: Infinite Effects Web Page Design
Me again....

I got some responses on my ignition light problem but I will refresh for

Hook battery up.  Ignition light comes on with the key turned OFF.  Turn
the key ON and the light goes out.  None of the wiring leading to the
alternator has ever been changed.  I did as Randall suggested and unhook
the wires and try again.  The light went out.  Plugged the big plug (3
wires) back in and the light was back on again.  I have 4 wires total.
3 in the harness and a single that goes on by itself.  If I leave the
battery connected I get a terrible discharge that kills the battery in
about 2 days.  I need more ideas.


Donald L. Gilbert, Jr.
Webmaster, Infinite Effects Web Page Creation for Custom Web Page Design

1968 Jeep J-3000 Gladiator
1987 Shelby Charger
Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Currently working in Virginia

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