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TR6 twin vs. single pipe exhaust

Subject: TR6 twin vs. single pipe exhaust
From: Shawn Mann <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 03:40:55 -0700

I am nearing the final stretch towards replacing the exhaust on my '70 
TR6, and have been wondering about the rationale for the switch to twin 
pipes in 1972(??).  I believe the PI cars always had a full twin pipe 
system so why did the TR250 and early TR6 get the single pipe?  I ask 
these questions because I plan to replace the entire exhaust, with a 
pair of Supertrapps out back (or maybe the Monzas I got secondhand cheap 
- with a Glasspack inline to take away some of the edge) and a tubular 
header.  Now I've heard some tout the advantage of the full twin pipe 
system while others quote Kastner and claim better power management w/a 
single pipe, although I understood that Kastner was talking about 
straight-pipe setups in particular.  I guess my delimma stems from the 
fact that, a) I haven't bought my header yet, and it seems that some are 
only available for two outlet systems, b) I love the look of the twin 
exhausts (or quad), but at the same time, I've always believed in form 
following function, and twin exhausts exiting from a "y" connection off 
a single pipe seems somewhat silly if only for looks, and c) although 
I'm on a gradual quest to reclaim the 45-odd horsepower we in the US 
were denied, this car will only be a street car, and as such I'm 
interested in maximizing torque and horsepower in the midrange, not 
necessarily at full-race rpms.

So, waddaya think??  Any input would be appreciated, whether to clarify 
or confuse the issue. 


Shawn Mann
'70 TR6 CC50079L

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