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Re:RE: Lucas Fograngers!

To: "Musson; Carl" <>,
Subject: Re:RE: Lucas Fograngers!
From: (Bud Rolofson)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:21:58 -0400
Cc:, "''" <>
I gotta pile on here.  

Dan has helped me so many times I can't even count.  Between straightening me
out on how to fix it to writing custom wiring diagrams he has always been more
than willing to provide his considerable expertise.  

After the last wiring diagram he sent me, I went and showed it to my wife and
told her how amazed I was because, 1) you couldn't possibly find someone to hire
(at least not in Denver) to design, explain, and diagram wiring for TRs for both
stock and custom items, 2) even if you could you couldn't afford him, and 3)
there's not a nicer more polite guy than Dan.

71TR6 CC57365
71TR6 CC65446
66TR4A CTC57806

Also, Dan - In case it hasn't been said it enough -  THANKS for all of the
help you have provided to the list.  I have a DanMasters folder for most of
the tidbits you have thrown out over the past few years with the thought
that maybe someday I'll need it.  (That does include your workbench/area


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