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Re: I need advice for my TR6

Subject: Re: I need advice for my TR6
From: Paul Burr <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 07:34:27 -0400
At 10:41 PM -0400 6/17/99, wrote:
>I have been in the process of rejuvenating my TR6 for several years now.  I
>have finally got the car in generally good running condition except for a
>miss at low RPM.  At low RPM (under 1500 sometimes up to 2000) I get a
>sputter and miss particularly under power.  I have tried all range of
>mixture, timing, and point dwell and the problem persists.
>Creig Houghtaling

Craig: I find that 90% percent of the time, it's some basic item in these
sitiuations. Is the condensor good? How old is the coil and the ignition
wires? Have you tried moving up one heat range with the spark plugs? How
about deep sixing the pollution crap and moving you timing up to 8 to 10
deg. BTDC?

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