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Re: Triumph and Tragedy

Subject: Re: Triumph and Tragedy
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:38:39 -0600
References: <> wrote:
> In my previous post I mentioned that I had thought the J.A. Pierce mag wheels
> on my TR4-A were of the bolt on variety, but that I had found out that they
> were knock-off instead. I found this out the hard way unfortunately, and this
> is the story of what happened.
> When I drove to Birmingham to look at the car, I had reserved at the U-Haul
> there an auto-transport - after verifying that my truck was capable of pulling
> it.  I looked at the car and made the deal with the seller (a great guy who is
> into Studebakers), then went to pick up my trailer.  However, the people at 
> U-Haul center refused to rent me the auto-transport, claiming that my truck
> wasn't capable of pulling it with a car on it. While I was arguing with the 
> rep about this, another one rented the only remaining one on the lot to 
> else!  So, after making it VERY clear that I was doing it under protest (and
> taking out their Safe-Tow insurance), I rented a dolly and went back to pick 
> the car.

What they were really saying is, "trailers are in short supply and we
only rent them to people who also rent one of our trucks to pull them
with!"  It's a common tale and one which I have heard quite often.

Sorry to hear of your experience.  I hope it turns out well for you.


"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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