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Re: Spit half shaft removal

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Spit half shaft removal
From: "Ross Vincenti" <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:16 -0800
Hans wrote:
My question to the list  concerns the removal of the rear axle from the hub. 
I destroyed the yoke about a week ago. Can it be removed without the famous 
Churchill tool? The kicker is I replaced the bearings and u-joints  last 
May. Will it come off easier because it was recently taken off? Do I need to 
replace the bearings that were installed last year? What is a fair price for
the removal and installation of the new axle to the hub at most TR shops?  TIA 
Hans & the crippled 79 Spit : (
Hans, my friend.  Sit back, grab a cold beer and listen to a story about 
removing rear hubs from Spit axles.

The short answer is "yes" is can be removed without the Churchill tool, but be 
prepared - it ain't fun.  In fact, I'd rather slaughter hogs than go through it 
again.  First, you need the biggest, baddest, mother of a gear puller you can 
find or rent.  It should have four claws, but three will work.  Second, you need
a serious ox/acetalene torch to heat that sucker until it is cherry red hot.  
Third, you need a minimum 1/2 inch or better yet 3/4 drive socket set.  Here's 
how we did it - find a tall bucket - like the kind you'd store umbrellas in.  
Fill it with ice.  Shove the axle shaft into the ice so that the hub is above 
the ice.  Install the gear puller on the end of the axle.  Heat the hub until it
is cherry red hot, then put your socket wrench on the puller and start cranking 
until your arms feel like the muscles will burst through the skin.  Make massive
grunting noises as you do so, with an occasional banshee scream for effect, too.
Your face should be all red and distorted, too.  It will not budge, but don't be
discouraged yet.  Scream and yell some more, then put the torch back on it and 
heat it up again.  Drink some beer and belch a few times.  Repeat the above 
steps several times.  After a while you will conclude it is impossible without 
the mystical "Churchill tool".  At this point, give it the old college try one 
more time and that sucker will all of a sudden go "BANG" like a rifle shot and 
come right off the axle shaft, scaring the shit out of you, the dog, and anyone 
within 20 feet.  Inspect the hub carefully.  You will see that you warped it 
with all that heat, screaming and grunting, it is now unusable for anything 
except a paper weight (mine's on my desk now) but that it is off the axle.  Then
calmly pick up the phone, pull out your Visa card and call John Kipping Spares 
in the UK and order 2 reconditioned hubs at $45 apiece to replace the ones you 
just ruined with you feats of strength.  Drink some more beer and congratulate 
yourself on accomplishing the impossible.

Ross Vincenti
Temporarily Truimph-less

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