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Re: Hub Removal - Success! (but I cheated)

Subject: Re: Hub Removal - Success! (but I cheated)
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 06:20:15 EST
In a message dated 2/22/99 8:02:13 PM EST, writes:

<< For those of you in the Denver area Paul Deierschow's shop is at 7995 W 
 48th ave.  Thats on the south side of I70 just east of Carr street.  His
 # is 303-422-9272.  I dealt with Paul when I was doing my 64 Spitfire 
 restoration back in 87 and 88.  I consider him one of the good guys in this 
 hobby. >>

Hello Brad,
I had the pleasure of dealing with Paul about 8 years ago when he rebuilt a
TR3 control head for me. No problems with it in all that time. As I recall
though he told me he was about to move to Australia. Haven't contacted him
since then. 
BTW I remember him telling me at the time that he had about a half dozen A-
type OD's sitting about. You didn't happen to notice any did you? :-)

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4

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