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Fw: Another Birdy Joke-LBC and smut free

To: "Triumphs Mailing List" <>
Subject: Fw: Another Birdy Joke-LBC and smut free
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 20:10:44 -0000

-----Original Message-----
From: David Hill <>
To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Date: 19 February 1999 22:37
Subject: Another Birdy Joke-LBC and smut free

>If you want Birdy Jokes, here's another....
>The police are following a man driving a truck along a motorway. Every five
>miles, he pulls up, jumps out and starts hammering on the side of the truck
>with his fists. Then he gets back in and drives on.
>After he's done this about seven times, the police pull in and ask him what
>he's carrying in the truck.
>" Two tons of budgerigars", he says.
>"So why do you keep stopping and hitting the truck?" ask the police.
>"It's a 15cwt truck......"
>Dave Hill

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