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To: Triumph Newsgroup <>
Subject: COOLING DOWN TR 4A's, etc.
From: jmwagner <>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 11:50:09 -0800
In addition to gaskets, I am also hoping to offer some surprise products
to help cool down and prevent overheating in TR 4A's (some cross-over to
TR 3, 4, 6). I hope to move forward with one or more of these items
before the summer arrives.

My first TR 4A was notorious for running hot, too hot, even after
rebuilds, new radiator core, etc.  while my current driver seems
immune.  I know there's no reason for these cars to run hot, but for
some there's just something about the casting of the block or it is just
an aging car... and it runs hot.  I don't mean to start a thread on this
again... where the argument is "fix the problem, don't apply Band-Aids".

The bottom line for me... I like the idea of  keeping the 4A simple and
somewhat original.  I have argued against electric fans in the past
because I think it just adds one more thing to break and/or over-draw on
an already weak charging system.  You could include an alternator
conversion, but again, this is not my taste.

I'm knocking around with some product ideas that will enable you to keep
your standard metal or "tropical fans"... and keep your generator...
and still be able to leave your car idling, during the hottest days,
without overheating.  No, they won't be invisible, and they won't be
stock... but it will have the flavor of the period... and will make big

Sorry if I'm being vague...

If this interests anyone, please e-mail me directly.

J. M. Wagner Sales, Ltd.

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