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Re: TR-3 TR-4 Competition Preparation by R.W. Kastner

To: Doug Liedblad <>
Subject: Re: TR-3 TR-4 Competition Preparation by R.W. Kastner
From: Alan Myers <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 19:50:30 -0800
Cc: "" <>
Organization: Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate
References: <>
Well Doug, if you don't have pages 28, 29 and 30, I'm afraid it isn't of
much use... I will however, graciously take it off your hands for
whatever you paid for it... ;-)

Seriously, I think you have an interesting find there. I too have the
later edition (1977?) put out by Brit. Leyland, it does not address the
TR3, covers the TR4 & TR4A. Yours being published in '64, wouldn't be
able to address the 4A, of course. 

I would love to have that particular edition, simply because although my
car was built in late '62 (maybe one of the last pre-Leyland TR's), it
was sold & registered as a '64. 

While I doubt that book of yours has great $ value, just historical
interest for Triumphites. Kinda like the  '49 1800 Roadster owner's
manual I looked at earlier today.

Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif.
'62 TR4 CT17602L

Doug Liedblad wrote:
> TR-3 TR-4 Competition Preparation by R.W. Kastner
> I recently acquired a copy of this book,  (autographed even), printed
> about 1964.  27 pages.
> My questions are:
> Is this complete at 27 pages?
> Were there ever any supplements published?
> Thanks
> Doug


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