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DANGER! re: 'heating of waxoyl'

Subject: DANGER! re: 'heating of waxoyl'
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:48:54 EST
This message weas recently posted to the list:

By the way I never add white spirit to Waxoyl, it is far easier to
heat it up to make it thinner for spraying. It also means that it drips less
as it dries off.

There is a real danger here, and that is waxoyl contains some white spirit
no naked flame should be allowed anywhere near to waxoyl under any

There was this guy I met once at a Triumph Club meeting, who lost his car due
to the fire started by the igniting white spirit vapour, when he tried to thin
it with a blowlamp!!!

You can however thin it pefectly well, by putting the waxoyl container into a
basin of very hot water...much safer...

Please be careful with waxoyl...

Leon F Guyot


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