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Re:Translation/White Spirit

To: Tomislav Marincic <>, Triumph list <>
Subject: Re:Translation/White Spirit
From: (Bud Rolofson)
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:13:17 -0500
Cc: Armstrong <>, Gerry Brinkman <>, Steve Chandler <>, Dean Dashwood <>, Andy Dixon <>, Phil Ethier <>, Paul Garside <>, Phil Johnson <>, British Cars list <>, John Mac <>, John McEwen <>, John Nyhus <>, "Susie O'Riley" <>, Malcolm Walker <>, Larry Zink <>

        In the next few days I'll summon the courage to do the Waxoyling,
which is apparently also a very messy job. 
May the Great White Spirit be with you.

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