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Translation/White Spirit

To: Triumph list <>
Subject: Translation/White Spirit
From: Tomislav Marincic <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:23:38 -0500
Cc: Armstrong <>, Gerry Brinkman <>, Steve Chandler <>, Dean Dashwood <>, Andy Dixon <>, Phil Ethier <>, Paul Garside <>, Phil Johnson <>, British Cars list <>, John Mac <>, John McEwen <>, John Nyhus <>, "Susie O'Riley" <>, Malcolm Walker <>, Larry Zink <>

        Thanks to everyone who replied. The overwhelming concensus is that
"White Spirit" is
"Mineral Spirit", a common paint thinner here in the US. I apologize for
not replying to each
message individually, and to those people who voted for "Naptha". Several
listers from
the UK wrote to say that "white spirit" is usually used for cleaning paint
brushes, which
seems to favor paint thinner over camp fuel. As an additional benefit,
using paint thinner
may be marginally less hazardous than naptha.

        In the next few days I'll summon the courage to do the Waxoyling,
which is
apparently also a very messy job. My wife is still clucking her tongue at
the black patches
of POR-15 on my forearms, starting at the point where the latex gloves
ended. I'll post a brief
message afterward reporting on my success with mineral spirit.

        Thanks again.

        Tom Marincic

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