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Re: TR4 rear axle

To: Susan and John Roper <>
Subject: Re: TR4 rear axle
From: "Skip Gurnee." <>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 15:15:08 -0800
Organization: @Home Network Member
References: <>
If there were marks, they might be on a tag under one of the diff cover
bolts. The way to determine the ratio is raise the back end, turn BOTH
rear wheels forward or back at once (turn only one and the prop shaft
doesn't move, you just exercise the differential gears), and count the
revolutions of the driveshaft.  The ratio you count is what you've got. 
Then do it a second time for good luck.  Use a chalk mark on the wheels
and shaft flange(s) to be sure you've counted properly.

Susan and John Roper wrote:
> Would appreciate wisdom from more experienced listers.  Is there a
> marking on TR4/4A rear axle housings that reveals the gearset within?
> If so please tell me where to look and how to read it.  Thanks, John

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