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Re: TR4 Vent Rebuilding - Materials Source

Subject: Re: TR4 Vent Rebuilding - Materials Source
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 15:41:40 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 wrote:

> First question... Is there a source for the felt parts that 
> are used to seal the front and form pads on the vent 
> shutters.  Mine are very dirty and have shrunk over time. I 
> need to cut new ones from an appropriate material in order 
> to get an air seal and to have the right look.

Felt was difficult to find in such a grade and thickness.  I used 1/4"
foam (bought from a Foam Shop... specializing in mattresses, etc), dyed
black.  Non-original, yes, but you can't see it thru the vent and it does
seal fairly well (not perfect, but enough to stop drafts)

I "fastened" the foam onto the metal using hot glue.  

If you like, I can mail you "enough" foam to do the whole lot.  Dye using
fabric dyes, or maybe shoe polish might work.  I paid $4 for a roll-end of
this stuff and there's no way I'll use it all up.  (It also happenes to be
a rather sickening shade of orange)

> Second.... Is there a way to replace the rubber gaskets at 
> the back of the vent box??  The rubbers on mine are barely 
> useable and I would like to replace them.

Can't help ya there.  My rubbers were also barely useable but I used them
anyway.  I stuck them back on the vent chambers using silicone and hoped
for the best :-)

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