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HP vs topspeed

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: HP vs topspeed
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 98 11:45:12
>However I found the formula to calculate the HPs on the clutch of a TR 6.
>All you need to know is the exact top speed of your TR 6. You can also use 
>it to calculate the HPs you need to get a desired top speed.

>HP on the clutch = (speed in km/h) EXP 3  /  37 EXP 3

>(37 is the product of all the drag factors of a TR 6 with  cw, front 
>area, drag from tires, gearbox and wheel bearings etc. considered . 
>Ragtop up.)

Very interesting; but why isn't this HP at the rear wheels, not at the
flywheel...?   Has the loss in the drive train been built into the formula?

Where does the formula come from?  The only way I could imagine to develop
such a formula is by getting dynomometer results on a series of cars and
then document their top speeds, and develop an emperical curve of HP.vs.speed.
If done in this way, then it is a measure of power as the dyno measures it,
(at the rear wheels, right?)


Ray W. James, P.E., Ph.D.
Texas Transportation Institute
Civil Engineering Department
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
Phone (409)845-7436; Fax (409)845-3410
Date: 12/21/98   Time: 11:45:12 AM

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