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RE: HP vs topspeed

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: HP vs topspeed
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:40:52 -0600
I wrote:
> >Note, however, that the horsepower figure you get will be the horsepower
> >rating at the RPM reached at top speed. If you're going as fast as you
> >and you're not at the red line, there's probably more power left.

Ron and Angie wrote:

> Sorry, Jim, that's not true ALL the time.  That's an assumption (we all
> what assume does!).  Allot depends on the horsepower curve.  For instance,
> if a given car redlines a 6000RPM, but peak power is produced at 5000RPM,
> you have a downward curve from 5K on to 6000.  In reality, there would be
> less power at redline than at 5000 . . .

You are, of course, entirely correct. Saying "there's probably more power
left" was a tad optimistic. Please change that to read "there _may_ be more
power left".

> If the list wants the formulae for this, I will post or set up a web site.
> I must warn you, it WILL have allot of physics and calculus involved.
> not for the faint of heart.

There are no faint-hearted Triumph drivers. Post away!

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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