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Re: More on "What's up with the British"

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: More on "What's up with the British"
From: Colin R Fenn <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:26:12 +0000
>> On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Gregory Petrolati wrote:
> > 
>> >    The Brits are REAL serious about historical reenactment. I think 
Sorry to continue the off-topic thread, but I feel the need to point out that 
re-enactment societies are more serious than others.

10-20 years ago I knew a lot of these chaps & chapesses. As someone
mentioned earlier, the Sealed Knot has a reputation for over-enthusiastic
English Civil War manoevres (even to the point of cavalry-charging innocent
passers-by) but the most amazing groups to watch are the early ones where
there are no firearms at all, so any re-enactment is going to be physical..

For example, the Roman "Ermine Street Guard" - whose Centurian drove a Mini
in full regalia ! - had a tendency to charge the audience with scutums flailing
and would leave latex gloves stuffed with mince in the laps of the crowd for
maximum effect.

But the "Norse Film and Pagent Society" takes the biscuit. I understand it is
possible to pull back a blow when duelling with 2-handed swords, but this is not
possible with axes or clubs. Talking to the beserkers as they quaffed their mead
it was obvious they did not approve of this technique anyway. Fortunately the
annual event I regularly attended was next door to an ambulance station. The
daily stream of casualties was well tended, with only 1/2 dozen hospitalisations
per weekend. 
I haven't heard of the NF&PS in recent years, I wonder if they're still going?

I once saw a US medieval society in a Texas Rennaisance fair, but these guys
were "Jessies"  - they had bandages wrapped around their swords. Just
bruises, no blood.
Colin R. Fenn  London  
Now the on-topic bit - '80 TR7 dhc - on blocks while I find a donor - either a 
V8 or cheap Rover 3500 - anyone help? Mail me off-list

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