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Re: Thoughts

Subject: Re: Thoughts
From: richard jackson <>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 15:59:24 +0000
Cc: TR List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Nene College
References: <Pine.SOL.3.90.981209145358.28952G-100000@publix>
> > Well if charging them an extortionate amount to enter Wales doesn't
> > work, we have to find another way to keep them out!
> >       Cheers,
> >               Bill (a Welshman in England!)

Right, that's it, I'm coming round to set fire to your Atlas!!! :-)

> What pay to enter south wales, not likely! I'm gonna keep on sneaking in
> through the North!

I think we should dig round the offa's Dyke and make Wales an Island!!! :-)

>                  Johnny '70 viterald
> >
> > Dave Massey wrote:
> > >
> > > Carefull, Rich.  He just might come over and warm your place with a
> > > nice roaring fire.  And we know how the Welsh light home fires for the
> > > English, don't we?

Naah, I'm alright, they only set fire to the holiday homes of them with money,
and as I ain't got no money.......:-)


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