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"Free" Steering Column Decal Offer

To: TR List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Spitfire List <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: "Free" Steering Column Decal Offer
From: Bill Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 00:06:23 -0500
Because of an extreme case of Shipwright's Disease, I find that I've had
to paint the steering column in my Herald before I could put the
differential back in (curious? It's simple, really. Removed the entire
rear axle - might as well since the bearings have 100K on them. With the
brake hydraulics thus drained, I figured I simply couldn't put fresh
fluid in and go to the trouble of bleeding those rusty old pipes, so I
installed all new brake lines. To get to the 5-way fitting without
mangling my hand, I had to pull back the inner steering column. No sense
in reattaching it yet, with the outer column looking so ratty :>)

Before I sprayed the switch shrouds, I carefully rendered the decals
using an old shareware drawing package, which graciously spits out a
PostScript file. The nice thing about this format is that the inherent
resolution is 1000 dpi.

Tomorrow it's off to find a place that can print it in white on
transparent sticky-back decal stock.

I've got the turn signal symbol for the left side, and the master light
symbol (off, parking, main) for the right. Not sure which if any models
besides the Herald mounted the master light switch on the column...

Email me OFF LIST if you'd like the file. It's about 12K now, but I'm
going to add a shame notice before I send it out - it's commercial
quality and I don't want anybody to commercialize it - so it will be a
good deal bigger.

Email me also if you'd be interested in the decal itself - if there's
sufficient interest, and the price I get from the printer is reasonable,
I'll send you one for the cost of an SASE. Merry Christmas!

Bill Kelly

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