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Knock sensors and vacuum retard distributors (LONG)

To: "triumphs@autox. team. net" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Knock sensors and vacuum retard distributors (LONG)
From: "Bob Hutton" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 09:28:30 +1100charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal

Has anyone any thoughts on the possibility of using a 'knock sensor' in
conjunction with a vacuum retard distributor? How, I don't know yet.

The reason I ask is that my 2500TC sedan has a compression of 180 to 190 PSI
and doesn't like the relatively low octane fuel here in Australia. I was
running on 94RON leaded (super)on 4 degrees BTDC with the vacuum advance
disconnected to eliminate knocking.

On the weekend I switched over to 97RON 'premium unleaded' and retimed it to
8 degrees BTDC, still no vacuum advance. It ran much smoother, quieter
exhaust at idle, but knocked badly on acceleration. It's now retimed to 5
degrees BTDC with no vacuum advance and no knock.

It occurred to me that it would be nice to have a distributorless ignition
with a knock sensor to retard it as needed, but that seems too difficult.
Hence, my question above.

Any thoughts?

Bob Hutton

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