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Re: Turbo or Supercharge??

To: Chad Stretz <>
Subject: Re: Turbo or Supercharge??
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 16:01:52 -0500
Cc: JONATHAN LOPEZ <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <Pine.SCO.3.96.981205174838.9737A-100000@bulldog> <>

Chad Stretz wrote:

> Jonathan,
> Supercharging is a long-term goal for my TR6.  To me, the idea of a true bolt
> on performance kit is quite appealing.  Someone told me that the supercharger
> manufacturer and the TR6 owner in the article (both names escape me now) were
> going to offer the upgrade in kit form for around $1500.  Maybe someone else
> on the list would have more info.
> What excites me most is the fact that the TR6 in the article was a 75 with a
> bone stock engine.  With the supercharger alone I believe it was producing 190
> bhp!  I have a spare TR250 engine just waiting to be rebuilt.   With a free
> flow exhaust AND a supercharger on a high compression engine, after balancing
> and port matching I may be able to keep up with Dan Masters'  302 powered
> TRMonster!
> Good luck, and let us know what you find out.
> Chad Stretz
> 73 TR6

What about nitro? I saw a TR6 so equipped at the TRF party. Looked very
professional. Unfortunatel;y, the owner was not around. Seems like a cheaper way
to get another 50HP.Anybody been there, done that???

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