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Re: Solvent for parts washers.

To: Ken Landaiche <>
Subject: Re: Solvent for parts washers.
From: Jim Bauder <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:14:43 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>

I have one of the HF type 20 gallon parts washers. I use 5 gallons of 
"solvent" that I purchase for around $12.00 (plus the can, but now I 
take one back with me so I only bought 2 of them!) This solvent is 
similar to kerosene but has a less objectionable smell, at least to me, 
than does the kerosene. It works as good as the Safety Kleen solvent 
I used to use in my service station days. I use it to clean everything. 
Tranny, differential, suspension, engine parts, etc. When it gets 
sludgy on the bottom of the tank I drain it into the dirty 5 gallon can 
and dispose of it discreetly with my waste oil. Don't tell!

While on the subject of cleaning, I thought I would pass on one of my 
better discoveries. For cleaning inner fenders, under the hood hood 
(engine removed), the bottom of the tub, and other greasy and/or 
muddy parts of the TR, I use Dow Bathroom Cleaner! Yes, the 
scrubbing bubbles. I buy it in a three-can pack from Costco. I first 
wet down the dirty part, then spray the bathroom cleaner until it is 
running off the surface, let it soak, reapply, then scrub with a 
medium brush (not hard, not soft) and rinse. You can't imagine how 
well it works! I cleaned my complete tub bottom, inner fenders, 
under hood, etc. with about 8 or 10 cans. The TR sheet metal is 
spotless. Try it, you'll like it.

Jim Bauder
'58 TR3 in fewer and fewer boxes
Palo Alto. CA

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