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Re: New TR4 Owner

Subject: Re: New TR4 Owner
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 18:14:19 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-11-20 10:38:13 EST, you write:

<< I just found and acquired a beautiful, original '62 TR4 (CT5018L0).  While
 I've owned Austin Healey Sprites in the past, this is my first Triumph.  I
 would appreciate any initial ownership advice from any TR4 fanatics out
 there.  The car is generally in great shape, and needs only a few cosmetic
 bits, but the speedo doesn't work (which I would like to fix right away).
 Any idea how I might approach that problem?  By asking that question, you
 might guess that my mechanical skills are somewhat limited (true), but I'm
 ready to learn.  Thanks.  
 Bill Eley
 '62 TR4 (CT5018L0) >>

Hello Bill and welcome!
If your speedo doesn't work the first thing to check is the drive cable. This
is a long cable from the tranny thru the firewall and into the back of the
speedo. On the speedo end is a knurled nut holding it to the speedo. Undo the
nut and pull out the cable. Then go for a drive on some isolated road and
while the car is moving reach under and feel the inner cable. It should be
spinning. If not, replace it and your speedo will probably work. If it's
spinning you will probably have to get your speedo rebuilt. 
Pulling the speedo is easy. Just pull out the 2 or 3 light bulbs, and undo the
2 knurled nuts which clamp it to the dash. Nisonger in NY rebuilds these
animals for about $100. They do good work, but figure about 3 weeks.
To replace the cable you need a 96" cable if your car has overdrive, as
implied in the comm #. There should be a removeable access plate under the
carpet near the emergency brake to get at the tranny end of the cable.
You seem to have a very early TR4 - should have TR3 style seats, open breather
engine, SU carbs, radiator with the long neck, and probably an all metal dash
(not wood). And of course OD!

Good luck

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4

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