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Re: Anti-sieze or Loc-Tite?

Subject: Re: Anti-sieze or Loc-Tite?
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 06:22:00 EST
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-11-17 21:55:37 EST, you write:

<< Why would you want to use Loc-Tite, Pete? I have enough trouble getting the
 *#$*@&?*! nuts off.
 IMHO, an application of Never-seez an NEW lockwashers does the trick.
 Bob Stahlbush
 66 MGB GHN 3L 78708
 TR-3A TS 76779 L

I believe there are different Loc-Tite formulas.  Some cure very hard for a
more permanent assembly, and some are intended for setups that will be taken
apart from time to time, and stay a little more pliable.  At least I know they
used to....

Scott Helms

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