It was good to finally meet Brad and Bud. As Brad said they stopped by
while I had a bunch of people in the house so they didn't stay long. Bud's
TR6 is really nice, I hope I get my interior done that nicely some day. We
traded a few stories and listened to each others cars. Unfortunately it
was dark so we had to use flash lights to look at Bud's engine. I might
share the GT6 with my daughter a little, but she has a ways to go before
she can reach the pedals and see over the stering wheel at the same time.
'67 GT6
> Fred, thats only because I haven't had time to write up my trip report!
> Actually I met three list members in the last three or four days.
> Wednesday I met Lee Janssen when I delivered a TR6 diff that he bought.
> Also got to see his TR6. Nice looking car with several niffty little
> items added on. I don't remember the technical term for it but he has a
> pressurized oil reservoir that injects oil into the oil galleries just
> prior to an engine start up, the most interesting item though was the
> that he had mounted on his dash. I'm not sure I understood all the
> details of that either but he uses it to help in tuning the carbs. If
> want the details you'll have to contact Lee.
> Later that night I met Bud Rolofson who also has a real nice TR6. Went
> for a short drive in that car and was real impressed with the overall
> ride. I've got some pictures of Bud's TR6 that I'll be adding to my web
> page sometime in the next few days. He has the Triumph bug just as bad
> everyone else. He can't seem to stop ordering little miscellaneous parts
> from Moss and TRF whether he needs the stuff or not!!
> Then finally Friday evening Bud and I managed to make it over to Jane
> Burdekin's place. We were kind of intruding at that time since it was
> sons birthday and she had a house full of kids and grand parents. Got to
> meet her and her husband. Both really nice people. Janes GT6 has been
> her possession since 71 if I remember right. Very nice looking GT6.
> Personally I've seen so few of these cars its nice to see someone take
> time and effort to keep them looking and running good. I think though in
> a few years she's going to have to fight off her daughter for the rights
> to drive the car!
> Well I guess that takes care of my trip report!
> Brad (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
> My 1st attempt at a web site. Http://
> 1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L
> 1961 TR4 CT288L (To Maine or bust)
> 1959 TR3A TS41311L (someday)
> 1951 Dodge Truck 82217766 B-3-B-108