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Gas in oil

Subject: Gas in oil
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 20:59:10 -0800 (PST)
Cc: The Usual Suspects <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On Thu, 5 Nov 1998 wrote:

> I have drained the oil and dropped the oil pan. The oil pan hasn't been off
> the car in the 15 years I've owned the car. In the bottom of the oil pan,
> under all the very black oil, was a thick gray colored muck, I think this is
> worn steel powder that has settled over the years.

Did the oil seem thin?  Was it over-full?  Did it smell like gas?

Any of those are a sure sign of contamination ;-)

As for your gray stuff... well, I dunno.  Water-contamination comes out
light brown (tan), but gray... beats me.  Was there a lot, or just a thin 

> I pulled the oil pump off and cleaned and measured, the allowable clearance
> between mating parts is max. .010", I had between .006" and .008" but I
> noticed small scratches on all the outer services of the middle gear on the
> oil pump. How much affect do these scratches have on oil pressure using 20-50
> castrol oil?

Shouldn't be *too* much.  Not so great, but it should work OK.  Are they
surface wear or deep scratches?  Can get get anything (ie, a pencil) to
make noise whilst moving over?

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