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Re: Kens query

Subject: Re: Kens query
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 21:08:38 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-11-01 18:07:32 EST, you write:

<< Ken, 
 I tried to adjust the oil pressure relief valve to make my low oil pressure
 higher...I screwed it 'in an out' to no avail. Then I read the book a second
 time and realized I didn't fully understand the key words...'relief valve' -
 meaning 'relief' if your oil pressure is to high and 'no relief' if your oil
 pressure too low. But then I know you knew this Ken!
 '64 TR4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
OK you got me.
The oil pressure in one of my cars has for some reason always been a little
low - from about 60 psi @ cold start up to a minimum of about 25 @ hot idle. I
fiddled with this thing to (like yourself I take it) absolutely no effect a
few years ago. I'm gonna get a second opinion, by trying another gauge. If the
OP turns out correct I don't think I'll proceed with an immediate teardown,
but it's always nice to know the condition of the motor you're running.
I posed the question originally because someone had recently told me one could
adjust it this way.

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4

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