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Re-emergence of Triumph and Austin Healey names

To: "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re-emergence of Triumph and Austin Healey names
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:18:18 +0100

I'd appreciate your views. As many of you may have seen over the last 24
or so hours, there's been some speculation on the British Cars list on the
revival of Austin Healey and possibly Triumph.

It appears from the extensive rumour that this(these) cars might well be
badge engineered cars which are essentially BMW's to be built (?) at

Marque loyalties apart, does anyone have a view to either of these
illustrious British sports car names appearing on a car which in all
truth is German in its origin.

I know I do. I'd rather their names were left as a memory rather than
adorn a vehicle which is essentially a damned Hun! It's as bad as
building a replica Messerschmitt and called it a new world Spitfire.

Sorry - but that's the way I feel and if Doctor Hassellkuss or Berndt
Pischetsrieder read this view, I guess I'll find my employment at
HMC a thing of the past. Giving up Rolls Royce to BMW was bad enough
but putting a British name on a German car beggars belief. Anyone got a
rope and a high beam. I might need it!

John Mac

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