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Re: technical knowledge - rather, lack of...

To: Neil Sampson <>
Subject: Re: technical knowledge - rather, lack of...
From: Aaron Johnson <sugar@holly.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 07:34:14 -0600 (MDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
> Rotoflex - Is this good or bad ?
Depends on what school of though you are from.  Most people think it is a
far superior design for the rear suspension of a GT6.  It uses a rubber
coupling similar to what some formula Vee cars use.

 > Weber   - good/bad ?
Once again it depends on what school of though you are from.  I think that
if they are side draught webers its a good deal... Carborators other that
are not of the stock SU or Stromberg type.
> IRS       - only seen this against TR5 ads, what is it ?
IRS stands for Indendent Rear Suspension.
> Surrey Top - is this the kinda half-thing that fits on the back of a TR5? If
> so, what goes between the top of that and the top of the windscreen ?
> And any other things to specifically look out for or avoid !
Rusty cars and cars that have trees growing through them.
> I'm probably in the market for a GT6, possibly a TR5 and even further away 
> my finances, maybe a TR6.
If your finances won't allow a TR6 you probably won't be able to afford a
TR5.  And if you are in the US you sure won't be able to afford one uless
you have the 15,000 grand sitting around.  I would assum you mean a TR4
and those are still a little more expensive than a TR6.  5000 should buy a
solid TR6, an OK TR4 and a pretty damn good GT6.


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