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Re: Stromberg Commission numbers

Subject: Re: Stromberg Commission numbers
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 16:27:06 EDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-04-22 14:40:47 EDT, you write:

> Veeery eenteresting.  I have one report that the second episods of
>  strombergs
>  in the TR4 line was at CT23594, and you indicate CT21471E. 

What was the SOURCE of that number (23594)?

> Were the comm. numbers and the engine numbers that far off?
>  My TR4A comm and engine are only 174 off.

No, they are probably in a range up to several hundred.  I.E. mine are CT
33118 and CT 33424E.   That's 306.  Remember that Morgan and other companies
bought engines from Triumph - which is the reason for the difference.

Also remember that there are no commission numbers between CT40304 (the last
TR4) and CT 50000 (the first TR4A).  So that would mean that the size of the
number difference (engine/commission) could have changed between the TR4 and
TR4A models.  Cheers.

Art Kelly

N.B. In my last e-mail to you - pls change the last number from "end of TR4
(CT 413XX)" to read "end of TR4 (CT 40304)". Tks, amk.

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