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Re: Poorly PI, Again

To: "Malcolm Walker" <>, "David Hill" <>
Subject: Re: Poorly PI, Again
From: "Bob Kramer" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 19:09:19 -0500
Cc: <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
> > Also, I can't hear fuel being returned to the tank so the return
line may
> > be blocked. If so, what's the best way of clearing it? I have
compressed air
> > available, which would seem to be a good idea but at what pressure?
> I would suggest against putting any kind of pressurized air into a
> line.  you're asking for trouble.  Remember, compressed air & gas is
> makes our cars go so fast!
> If you want to blow it out I suggest removing the line from the car
and do
> it in such a way that any projectiles coming out of the fuel lines
> hit anything important (ie you)
> Fluid pressure is much safer.  If possible I'd hook up a grease gun
to it
> and just plug away until grease comes out the other end.  Messy, but
> be careful,
> -Malcolm

Let me preface this by saying that none of this is worth doing. 
Replace the fuel line. If you want to try and clear it, the best
approach I've tried was to use an old speedometer cable in a low speed
drill. First I pushed through the line from both ends with a very stiff
wire, then attached extra rubber tubing on both ends and filled the
line with Gumout. After sitting overnight, I tried to blow it out, but
it was still clogged with rust and varnish. I used the speedo cable to
get the line clear, and then ran aerosol Gumout through forced by
compressed air. After all that, the fuel flow started up, but not
enough to fill the fuel filter (like it does on my other TR6 in which I
replaced the line with new 3/8" brake lines). It was enough to drive
the car, and I hoped that it would gradually "open up with use". What
happened instead was the varnish gradually flaked off in chunks,
blocking the line and in a fuel starved state, created vapor lock on
hot afternoons (every afternoon in TX). I replaced the line 
eventually, but I wish I hadn't tried the easy way out. What a waste of
Bob Kramer, Austin TX
Hill Country Triumph Club
TR6x3, TR250 x3, TR3A vintage race

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