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Re: Poorly PI, Again

To: David Hill <>
Subject: Re: Poorly PI, Again
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 16:23:47 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, David Hill wrote:

> Also, I can't hear fuel being returned to the tank so the return line may
> be blocked. If so, what's the best way of clearing it? I have compressed air
> available, which would seem to be a good idea but at what pressure?

I would suggest against putting any kind of pressurized air into a fuel
line.  you're asking for trouble.  Remember, compressed air & gas is what
makes our cars go so fast!

If you want to blow it out I suggest removing the line from the car and do
it in such a way that any projectiles coming out of the fuel lines won't
hit anything important (ie you)

Fluid pressure is much safer.  If possible I'd hook up a grease gun to it
and just plug away until grease comes out the other end.  Messy, but safe.

be careful,

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