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Life at Triumph

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Life at Triumph
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 17:47:22 +0100
Over the last few months, many of you have written to me saying how much
you have enjoyed reading my little offerings. I know many of you have
printed off these stories for your own reference while others at Clubs have
used them in the newsletters.
That was the whole reason for putting them on the web in the first place,
to hopefully give people pleasure and at no charge whatsoever to them.
It has today come to my notice that someone has seen an opportunity to
plagiarise the material and has already offered some of it within another
manuscript for commercial publication, thus infringing my copyright. What
the person concerned did not know is that the publisher who reviewed the
manuscript was already aware of the stories anyway and immediately
identified their true source and origin.
It is with the greatest regret that I feel I have no option but to withdraw
"Life at Triumph" from the Internet with immediate effect. Furthermore, I
am taking appropriate legal advice on the steps open to me to prosecute the
person concerned for using my material for commercial gain.
For those of you who were looking forward to more stories, I can tell you
that they will not vanish into the mists of time. They will appear
(hopefully) later this year in book form with many more as yet untold
stories added to them. I am already in the process of interviewing a large
number of former Triumph employees in all branches of the company for their
own recollections of daily life in the machine shops, on the assembly
tracks, in the press shops and many other locations within the company.
Much of this material will be included in the new book under MY authorship.
I'm truly sorry to have to destroy the web site in question but I feel sure
that on reflection you will understand my reasons.

John Macartney

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