--------------------------- Sans Plum -------------------------------
I had an Idea, maby not feasable, but I am going to lap-in the valves,
heat to about 300 degrees centigrade, and mealt some solder, or lead
around them,, lap in abit more to take off the excess. This I will do
when when I de-coke the head next. Then try that every time I de-coke
the head. I also thaught about trying the same to the cylinder head,
but I think that may warp with the heat, so that is not on.
The one problem I have come up with, when you do the secon lapping in
you can't use abraisives, because they will stick in the soft lead, and
gring the hard iron instead. So I thaugh about using de-soldering wick
to soke up all the excess lead, and hopefully there will only be a very
thin bit of lead. This will provide more lead than you get in petrol,
although it's not constently added.
About your aditive, I doubt very much it has any effect other than
octain increesing, it will need some very concentrated metal in there,
which I doubt they would allow to be sold for enviromental reasons.
Just retard you ignition untill it dosent pink, I am unsure wether
mixture effects pinking, if so adjust that.
One question since you have had your 3 what do you treat the engin like,
this will have an effect, but It would be nice to know the limits.
------------------------------ DOT X --------------------------------
As for brakes, ditto what barry said, I would stick with good old DOT4
because DOT5 was not arround when they designed the braking system, you
also find that any tiny bits of water lefed in the system, condensation
etc, will colect up. This is because DOT5 don't adsorb water, and you
get spots of pure water in your brake system rusting it from the
inside. DOT5 has one advantage, it dosent eat paint, but where it's
spilt you will notice, because it has silicon in it, and water will bead
more on that serface than others. If you are unlucky enough to get it
on your windscreen, didto any silicon car polishes, you will have to
replace the windscreen to stop the smearing. As for the risk of getting
your pain eaten, I would rather stick with a tryed and trusted product,
than work about abit of paint. I am also cairfull to replace the
brakefluid when required of the sercice log, and I don't spill.
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot