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Re: LBC insurance (opinions)

To: "Kevin B. Rhodes" <>
Subject: Re: LBC insurance (opinions)
From: Barry Schwartz <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:14:24 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <"980415200533Z.WT11988. 1*/PN=William.Elliott/O=LNGW/PRMD=MEI/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/"@MHS>
     <  snip >
>I would like to have it insured such that I would get around
>$4000 if it was "totaled" I feel like this is a realistic value for the car
>based on various pricing guides and what I have seen around. My regular
>insurance company (Geico) will gladly insure it for ~ $180 / year - but
>they tell me that they will only give me "a couple hundred dollars - 
    <  snip  >
You really have a couple of avenues.  You can have it professionally
appraised and then insure it for the appraised value, or,  keep all
receipts, take pictures, document, document, document.  Then if it ever is
stolen, or damaged, you can take em, or threaten to take them to court.
They WILL end up paying what the car is worth regardless of what the policy
says as long as you can prove it with documents and back it up with
pictures.  Awards from car shows are a plus-.  My brother went through this
a few years ago.  It takes YOUR time and patience, so I guess you have to
weigh the possibility of having to go through all the trouble of getting
reimbursed in the off chance your car is stolen or totaled, or have it
appraised, pay for it up front, and settle it on the spot with a lot less
hassle and time wasted-

Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

72 V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (project)
73 Ford Courier (parts hauler, rain vehicle, getting a V6 soon!)

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