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Re: 3.27:1 diff in your GT6+

To: jonmac <>
Subject: Re: 3.27:1 diff in your GT6+
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 12:39:57 -0700
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Barely Enough
References: <>
jonmac wrote:
> James

> for the fact that the overdrive sometimes kicked out at around 90+mph. This
> made me glad I'd had the optional self-draining driver's seat fitted.

I usually reserved the seat with the drain for the passenger's side....

> We
> soon fixed that problem but by what means, I can't remember. It was not
> difficult. Original diff on an O/D 6 was 3.54:1 if my memory isn't at fault
> (which it might be)

Two ratios were available for the GT6, GT6 Mk II and GT6+ here in the
states. 3.27:1 for non-overdrive cars, 3.89:1 with o/d.  Not too long
after the Mk IIIs were returned to swing axles and at about the same
time that power brakes were offered, Mk IIIs were available with either
third member, regardless of overdrive. 

The one I bought last June has a junkyard 3.89:1 fitted (could not have
been stock, since it's a Rotoflex-jointed car, and the speedo is
non-o/d). Way too short a gear for long-distance travel. The interstates
in my neck of the woods are 75 mph limit, and the poor engine must do
about 4500 rpm just to keep up with traffic.


My other Triumph runs, but....

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