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Another alternator story, or the slow indicators on a Spit

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Another alternator story, or the slow indicators on a Spit
From: (Romano Kroemer)
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 09:58:29 +0000 (GMT)

Approx. two weeks ago I reported on my "slow" indicators to the list. Many
  thanks to the replies of Derek Evans, Atwell Haines, Joe Curry, and
  Tom O'Malley. Basically they all suspected bad connections and suggested
  to take out the bulbs, check for corrosion, etc.

Well, the reason was actually slightly different: The main mounting bolt
  of the alternator had fallen out!!!!

  Some days before I reported on the "slow" indicators,
  when I left the garage, I heard a metallic clunk as if a spanner had been
  dropped onto the concrete floor of the garage. I checked immediatly under
  the car and under the bonnet. Could not see anything. Everything was
  running fine and I did two short trips with car without problems,
  the only thing I noticed was that the indicators were rather slow.

  Yesterday I did a check under the bonnet and I noticed
  that obviously some water had been splashed about under the bonnet.
  When I checked more closely I realized that the main mounting bolt of the
  alternator had fallen out!!!!!! It was still in the car, lying on a
  part of the frame (after two trips). The alternator was basically
  hanging off the adjusting bracket. The adjusting bracket is connected
  to the water pump housing and that bolt had started coming loose as well.
  (you can imagine the tension of the fan belt ...). As this latter bolt
  does not only connect the alternator adjustment bracket to the water
  pump housing, but also the water pump housing to the engine it had
  developed a small leak somewhere (difficult to tell), therefore the water 
  being splashed about.

  Well, the bolt is back in, I also found the distance tube (also this part
  travelled with me for these two short trips without getting lost), and
  voila, the indicators are back to normal. No "racehorses", but what I was
  used to. I will still follow the suggestions and clean everything, once
  I have a bit more time ...

  Anyway, should I feel now very guilty or stupid that this happened and
    that I did not notice it earlier?

'77 Spit

Dr. Romano T. Kroemer
Phys. & Theoret. Chem. Lab.
University of Oxford
South Parks Rd.                       | Tel:     ++44-1865-275475 
Oxford OX1 3QZ                        | Fax:     ++44-1865-275410
England, U.K.                         | Email:

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