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Re: TR3 glovebox material

Subject: Re: TR3 glovebox material
From: "Kirk Crawford" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:23:53 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>     Has anyone any ideas about what material I could use to make a new
>     glovebox? I don't want to use that cardoard-like stuff as my car
>     isn't, and will likely never be, waterproof.

How about Plastic.  You could cut up that white plastic that is available
as signs for businesses (no parking, etc).  They sell the signs at places
like CostCo and Staples. If you sanded it black paint might stick to it.  A
hole punch would be good to make the holes for the screws.

-Kirk Crawford (updated 3/4/98)

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