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Re: On going saga

To: Alan Camhi <>, Triumphs Mail List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: On going saga
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 07:34:17 -0800
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
It sounds as if you very likely may have a vacuum leak (or other problem
which affects the timing).  Revving up the engine causes the mechanical
advance to kick in which may explain why it smooths out at higher RPM's.
Check the vacuum advance diaphram and mechanical pieces to ensure that
it is free and operating properly.  Also, have you checked the timing at
lower rpm's?

Joe Curry

Alan Camhi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> choke cable that i cut too short but still have workjing properly.  
>I am now able to get my TR4 to run without the choke open but it is ROUGH.  
>Best I can do is about 1000 RPM's and even then, it shakes like an banshee(so 
>much that I can't get a screw driver into the idle adjustment screws.  When I 
>rev the engine the shake goes away.
> Any clues as to why I'm having difficulties?  Before the rebuild my plugs 
>were sooty, but new.  I'll try cleaning them, as well as the points.  I'll 
>also check the gap.  Timing seemed Ok but maybe i need to check the points gap 
>before checking the timing.
> I richened her up a little and the exhaust smoothed outs lightly(got the 
>puff, puff, puff, rythmic sound but still not at all satisfactory).
> Also, carbs are now sucking the same amount of air.  Could i have a vaccuum 
>leak?  Maybe from the intake or exhaust manifold(recently reinstalled them)?
> Any help is greatly welcome.  I don't want to bring her to a mechanic  I 
>don't have to.

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 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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