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Re: Aussie Beeah (Beer)

Subject: Re: Aussie Beeah (Beer)
From: James <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 10:06:01 +0000
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
I have folowed this thred with interest, and I feel it's now nessecery
to investigate firther.  Thus I propose a beer tasting thingy, where we
recoment beers, and people have a look in the shops, obtain and sample.

My recomendations are, 

Old Speckeldy Hen, Morlands 
(Brewed Abingdon, just 5 Miles down the road from me.  Named after an
old MG)
It comes in bottels, and is fizzy like a lager, need to be a bit cold,
but is defenatly a bitter. 

John Smiths, Up North
Don't get the draft flow, that's for ex-yuppys who know no better.  
A nice bitter. 

Spifire, Hook Nortan
Mmmm named after the plain though. 

Burtons, Burton on Trent
A bit sweet, very bitter, you do feel like you have repeatedly banged
you head againsed a wall after though.

Anything I have had but can't remember.  'cuse I drunk lost of it so it
must be good

My home brew 40 Pints, with the alcohol of 60, 
Fist half pint tastes like sh*t, the next 5 you don't care. 
Supprisingly mild hangovers, even though you suffer loss of eyesight,
the ability to crawl, stand etc, and an intrinsic need to tell realy
stupid jokes. 

James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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