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Re: Gas Tank

To: "Mark A. Bunce" <>
Subject: Re: Gas Tank
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 07:37:12 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <l03130300b1205fabf6c1@[]>
Thanks for the data on the Spit.  The engine is from a Late medel MG
Midget.  I know because my spit had one when I first got it.  I still
have the block if you need another.


Mark A. Bunce wrote:
> Fellow listers,
> Can you repair a gas tank from a 1976 1500 Spit that has numerous
> holes in the bottom by using a tank sealant kit? If not what do they
> cost and are they available.
> For Joe:
> 1976 1500 Spitfire
> built Aug. 1976
> Paint 82
> Trim 74
> Comm. FM 50093U
> Engine FP 32851UE  (This number doesn't appear in my ref. books, but I
> checked it
> twice)
> Mark Bunce
> 1970 Mk III Spitfire
> 1976 Spitfire 1500
> St. Louis,MI

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