> There is also a product called Microscrub which is used in the electronics
> industry. It is grey in colour and feels a bit like the soft half of
> Velcro. Its purpose is to remove the dirt and corrosion from contacts
> without destroying the protective plating.
Are the contacts in our LBCs plated? I thought they were solid metal (not
sure WHICH metal, o' course...)
How does microscrub work? Is it an abrasive or a chemical? (or both?)
> Abrasives like sandpaper and wire brushes may clean the connectors well,
> but if they also remove the protective surface of the contact, they may be
> only a short-term solution. These connectors have taken 20 to 30 years to
> deteriorate; for reliability, either clean them gently or replace them.
> Keep the sandpaper for emergency repairs.
I guess I'll have to add an addendum::
-Use only v. fine sandpaper (600+) unless the contact is very corroded
-Afterwards apply a dielectric grease (maybe just Vaseline...?) to stop
repeat offences
My turn signal switch was badly gummed up with corrosion. I used a
rougher sandpaper to get them to work. I am going to polish them up
properly now that the column is out of the car.