On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Ed Hutchinson wrote:
> I've been forced to clean some of the electrical connections
> on my TR6. Using a small wire brush does a pretty quick
> job on the male ends. However, it is a pain in the butt to
> clean the female ends. Is there a liquid which would clean
> the connectors? If not, I think I will replace the connectors
> rather than struggle cleaning them with a brush.
These are bullet-type connectors, right? If so, then you can glue a bit
of sandpaper (wetordry, 200-600 grit) to a match stick or bamboo skewer
and stick in inside. spin it around a few times and you should polish up
the connector nicely.
You can also get tiny burrs or wire brushes for Dremel tools. They're
expensive for the size but they do a good job.
I always like the photo they have of a dremel tool polishing the
(outside!) of an automotive manifold... they don't tell you that it takes
about a week to get a nice finish with a dremel! And that you burn out
the wire brush very quickly...