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RE: tr6 radiator duct

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: tr6 radiator duct
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 12:52:08 -0700
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
> I'd strongly second Jody's suggestion that you buy the 
> fabricated aluminum shroud that Good Parts sells. Its 
> a quality piece, its not all that expensive, and it 
> looks terrific. You can even get one with a fitting 
> for a duct to an aluminum air box (which Richard also 
> makes).
        Jim (and other listers),

        Does Good Parts have a catalog? It seems they have all sorts of
interesting products which I would like to get more info on. If they do
I would like to call and get one.

        As for the aluminum air box, does this part replace the standard
TR6 air cleaner assembly on the carbs? I have already obtained a very
early TR6 air cleaner assembly with the two "snouts" at the front
because I want to route air hoses from the radiator duct to the air
cleaners (for which I will need to modify my existing radiator duct) and
I wonder what the Good version of this looks like?

        Thanks for the info,

Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

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